Wednesday, May 02, 2012

This is the leading edge of the wall cloud that rolled through Nicollet County this evening. It was quite spectacular and energizing. Although it did bring some large hail with it, no tornadoes were spawned that I know of at this point in time. Crazy weather, went from near freezing temperatures a few days ago to nearly 80° today. Last night, instead of temperatures going down they just kept rising all night. Gotta love Minnesota, if you don't like the weather just wait a few hours and it will change.
Wow, had some storms roll through this evening and they were quite impressive. First time in a few years that I have heard tornado sirens here in St. Peter, Minnesota. Awesome energy in those storms and they slide just south of us here.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Good lord! Has it really been 6 years since I have posted here?!?!? Apparently so. Since the last post I have lived in two different place, both in St. Peter. I am now in the process of moving to Mankato, Minnesota and have come a long with since that last post, both in the material world and the spiritual world. 

Not to worry that I have lost my spirituality, I have not. I have figured out that my spirituality is not necessarily reading books on spirituality non-stop. Nor is it heralding my spirituality to the masses. My spirituality is very personal and for me it is living my spirituality quietly, everyday in all that I do and say and create.

Not to worry that I am still living with next to nothing to my name, I am not. I have figured out that it is okay to have some nice things around to make life in the mundane world a little more aesthetically pleasing. I have returned to the concept of re-purposing (guess that is what they are calling it these days). If you can't fix it, find another use for it. I have also surrounded myself with original art. Not the kind you will find in galleries for high prices but the kind that means something to me and makes me feel good. It is the artwork that I and my loved ones have created over the years. It is the artwork I have inherited from loved ones who have passed on. and yes, it is the photographs of my ancestors to remind of where I came from. This suits me just fine.