Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Second Day of Rain

Here we are into the second day of rain here. We do need the rain and I am not complaining a bit. It did clear up enough for me to take a 4 mile bike ride yesterday but it doesn't look like it is going to clear up that much today. No worries there, I have most of what needs to be planted by now, planted plus some unexpected garden treats.

In the apartment building where my friend lives, there also lives a wonderful lady who is so very wise to the ways of nature. She grows coneflowers all about and I think I shall always remember her as "The Coneflower Lady". She let me have some coneflower heads so that I can start my own in my little flower bed. In return I am getting her some willow whips and willow sticks. This exchange felt so natural and good and just the way it should be.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Rain Rain Rain

Finally some long awaited and much needed rain. Had some nice soaking rain overnight but more is needed to chase away the dry spell we have been having.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

7 Mile Creek Posted by Hello

7 Mile Creek

What a lovely day it was for a picnic today! Some friends and I went to a nearby county park called 7 Mile Creek. The weather was nice although there were some rain drops but they were short lived.

As I walked about the park I noticed that the wood anemones, may flowers, and lady slippers are all in rioutous bloom. The creek was also running and bubbling along as it does in the springtime. The trees are starting to bud,especially the maple tress and the raspberry canes are turnig bright redand getting leaves on as well.

I believe I can safely say that a good time was had by all.

Wood Anemone Posted by Hello