Saturday, May 12, 2012

Took a break from packing today and spent some time relaxing on a farm by the lake with friends. A good time was had by both two leggeds and four leggeds. I also found some very cool pictures of time past. Not sure what the old wheels are from but I suspect they might have once held a portable saw mill. Back in the day, farmers would all have these portable mills as well as a section of land that was wooded. Many houses, especially farm houses, were heated with wood burning furnaces before the advent of fuel oil and our modern hearing systems.

Monday, May 07, 2012

So it begins. For reasons unknown other than the time felt right, I started doing some packing tonight in the kitchen and worked my way down the hallway. The place is a fright right now and I need to get past that as I continue to prepare to move. I keep telling myself that in less than 4 weeks we will be in our new place and I can't wait. The grand plan is to pack everything we don't absolutely need and store it ALL in the garage for maximum efficiency when moving day arrives, hoping that loading will go more quickly than if we were hauling it all out of the town home on moving day. My ulterior motive is that I don't have to dodge packed boxes for the next three and a half weeks.

Of course the furballs are starting to get a little skittish. They know about moving but I don't think that cats have very long memories. The best I can do for them is keep their basket bed where they can get at it when they are feeling insecure. Right now they are just going around snooping in anything and everything they can. They are especially enjoying shelves and the tops of cupboards as they become empty. Gotta love cats.