Friday, September 27, 2013


Part of bringing the harvest home is remembering to bring home into the harvest and leave little seasonal reminders around your nest.

One of my favorite fall reminders, absolutely love it!

Shorter Days Cooler Autumn Nights

Here we are once again, closing in on the Wiccan New Year (Samhain). After a wonderful warm summer the nights become blessedly longer and cooler. Lazy days turn to days of getting the last of the summer activities done and preparing for the dark and restful winter days.

Back to work with a new hip and it is going ohhh so much better. It was one of those things where you didn't know just how much you hurt until it didn't anymore. After being back to work now for over a month, I realize that my hip had been deteriorating for longer than I thought. It simply came to a head when it actually collapsed. Even though I feel like a new person, I have been told that it will probably be a full year before I am totally and completely healed. I still am having some very strange reactions to the surgery that have nothing to do with my hip and I am hoping that these will all be gone by next May. Friends have come and gone through my recovery and I am sure will continue to do so. That might be best left for another post.

Besides work, I have been able to get back to my beloved cemetery walks, honoring my ancestors and the ancestors of others who have asked me for photos through Find a Grave. I don't always find who I am looking for but I always find someone who wants to be found and remembered. My latest 'project' has been the resting places of the young children. They can be so easily forgotten and lost in time due to their short stay here on this Earth. Planted on Earth to bloom in Heaven, author unknown.

On a more mundane level but no less rewarding level, it is canning season. A time to put away all the lovely fresh garden foods I can lay my hands on for the winter. So far this year I have preserved sauerkraut, spicy red cabbage, beets, beet jelly, tomato jelly, jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, pepper sauce and salsa. That is so far, coming up soon will be apple butter, grape jelly and pumpkin butter. Even though I might get sick of it now, I will be glad that I continued on around January.

Closing this post with a photos of pepper sauce in the pot and in the jar along with a wonderful batch of salsa.