Saturday, November 07, 2015

A New Nest!

After nearly a month of looking for a place to call our new nest we have found one. It wasn't easy because housing here in the northern 'burbs of Denver is no easy task. I have come to the conclusion that the only reason we were able to procure the place we did was that it is super small and right above the laundry room.

When we got the place I was very disappointed in the apartment but we really didn't have a choice and it was bigger than the motel rooms we had been staying in. Not only was it small but it smelled of stale cigarette smoke in every single nook and cranny and the kitchen is nothing more than a hallway with a stove, sink, pantry closet and refrigerator in it.

After my initial disappointment, I began looking for things that I liked about this tiny little nest. The very first thing that was pointed out to me is that I can see the mountains from my bedroom window. This was huge, a tiny, cheap (comparatively speaking) place with a view. There is also a big old pine tree on that side that gives us some privacy from the building next to us.

This was the start of finding all kinds of cool things about our new nest. This may sound weird but another favorite feature is the tiny window over the shower. I can open this little window and look at the mountains while I shower which is very cool.

The courtyard where the main entrances to the apartment are were strange to me at first but I must say I don't miss those dark hallways that most of the apartments in Minnesota tend to have for added warmth in the wintertime I am guessing. The courtyards have a smaller entrance to them and in the back they open into a community area where they pool is. Yup, we have a pool and a pool key.

There are 4 floors so we also have an elevator which has made moving a bit easier because we live on the second floor.

This brings me to the next thing I decided to look at as a plus. We live above the laundry room, the floors are always warm. It is well into November and we have had our first snow, we have yet to turn the heat on. The laundry room keeps us warm and toasty and the cats love it as well.

As I have begun to move things in, it has occurred to me that there is probably as much space here as we had in Minnesota without the 2nd bedroom. Hoping that once all is said and done, everything will find it's place and we will have a cozy little nest.

Morgan Home has a New Home

Found this in my draft folder, a post that is about a month old. Guess I'll post it now.

Hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I have posted anything here but it has been worse. Hoping to be able to post more as I discover Morgan Home's new location in the Rocky Mountain State of Colorado.

Packed up a U Haul truck and headed west with our two furballs. Two days on the road and we finally arrived in Fort Lupton, Colorado where it seems that oil is a big part of it's economy. Not surprising after seeing all the oil wells along I-76. These 'grasshoppers' dot the ranchland.

Yesterday the motel we are staying at filled up with workers from Midland, Texas. This morning they were all up and about and heading out around 6 a.m. This made me realize how far from Minnesota we were and how much closer to home we had come.

Today was also the fist time since we arrived that we were able to see the mountains. There is snow at the higher elevations already but the trees around here are slowly turning but still green for the most part.

We thought we missed the turning of the aspen in the mountains but a drive through Roosevelt National Forest proved us wrong.

RIP Jeremy Mardis

Louisiana Police Arrest 2 Officers in Boy's Shooting Death

Louisiana State Policecharged the city marshals that killed six-year-old autistic boy Jeremy Mardis (pictured) and critically injured his father Chris Few with second-degree murderĀ 

Does anybody else find this disturbing? I find it disturbing on so many different levels that I don't even know where to begin so I will begin by sharing a photo of the little boy who died instead of a photo of the police officers who shot him dead. I will not go back over the sordid details. If you care to read them, the link to the story from ABC news is at the beginning of this posting. The only thing I do want to share from the story is this quote from a press conference held Friday, November 7, 2015.

     'Let's make tonight about Jeremy Mardis. That little boy was buckled in the front seat of
     that vehicle and that is how he died,' [Col. Mike] Edmonson said. 'He didn't deserve to die
     like that.'

This is not about race, there are some out there who are jumping on this band wagon.  This is about police authority gone crazy. This is about officers who are not as well trained as they could be. (One of the officers arrested was a reserve officer.) This is about police officers who have forgotten what it means to "Protect & Serve".  Recently I saw a police  motto that read"Prevent Crime & Disorder". Initially it made me smile until I thought about all the implications.

While I realize I have not offered any kind of solution to prevent tragedies like this, I am not sure there is a solution. The public in general don't seem to respect law enforcement anymore, some with good reason. It used to be that respecting law enforcement was safe to do. I am not so sure that it is anymore. Law enforcement also needs to warrant that respect. This means obeying the law in the same manner that they expect the public to obey the law. This might be a good start, mutual respect and mutually obeying of the law.