Thursday, April 07, 2005

Spring is Here!

Well, I am quite certain now that Spring has arrived in my little corner of the universe. The temps are hanging in the the low to mid 60s, the breezes are light and the rain minimal.

Not sure the minimal rain is a good thing or a bad thing. For the local farmers (of which my son is one of them) it is probably a bad thing. The word 'drought' is being used more and more as the seasonal wheel turns. Seems that just the word being used by the media is already driving prices of farm commodities up. Once again good for some and not so good for others.

On the other hand I was bit for the first time by a mosquito this passt Sunday and they are HUGE this year. A drought would effectivly cut down the mosquito population and that would be a good thing, at least for me right now. I stress the words 'right now' because if the drought persists, the price of food will go up, up, up. While that may not be affacet me immediately, it will eventually and more than likely sooner than I anticipate.

Guess the moral of this little rant is this. The Wheel keeps turning and there is always some sort of balance to it, ying and yang if you will. Always the good, the bad and the ugly keeping things in balance.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Thunderstorms and Moisture

On a less serious note, it was wet this morning and I was glad to see that some much needed moisture was sent this way. The forecast is calling for scattered rain and thunderstorms here and they are very welcome. I sure would like a nice rollicking, rockin' and rollin' thunderstorm here though... lol.


NYC Story

This morning I read a story on the front page of MSN about a man who was stuck in an elevator for over 3 days. I began reading the story with a smile on my face. About halfway through the story the smile disappeared as I began to think what a sad state of affairs this story was.

The man was delivering Chinese food to a high rise apartment when he became stuck in the elevator. After failing to return from the delivery it was assumed that he had been a crime victim. Authorities canvassed the apartment building looking for the man, repairment came to check out the disabled elevator he was in, and he repeatedly called for help over the intercom.

The Mayor was quoted in the article as saying: “If they were there and they searched and they didn’t find him, thank God it turned out that he’s OK,” ... “I think we should all be thankful that the man’s alive.” (© 2005 The Associated Press)

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but this story struck me as more than absurd. What is wrong in a society where this can happen and is it happening all over the Nation?

Justs some food for thought, comments welcome.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Thunderstorms on the Way?

Could it possibly be true that there is some moisture on the way that isn't ice or snow? By all appearances thunderstorms are on the way. Will keep my fingers crossed and look forward to a lovely light show later tonight or tomorrow.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

What a Glorious Weekend it Was!

What a perfect weekend it was here in Southern Minnesota. The weather was awesome for the beginning of April and it was not wasted here. Nearby is a prairie that is just as it was and has been for hundreds of years. It is called virgin prairie because it has never been tilled or grazed or changed over the centuries.

There is so much to see if one takes the time to look. The moss and lichen on the rocks are beginning to grow, the geese, ducks and blue heron have returned. The Canadian Geese are preparing to nest and very soon there will be goslings following their parents about. the ants are busy, busy, busy, busy and I received my first mosquito bite of the season today.

It is quite awe inspiring to walk across the rolling hills, seeing small lakes and ravines. It seems as though if one let their imagination run wild you can feel and see in your mind the pioneers that traversed this land a hundred years ago. Even more so to feel the spirit of the Native Americans who once lived off these lands before the white man came.