Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Second Day of Rain

Here we are into the second day of rain here. We do need the rain and I am not complaining a bit. It did clear up enough for me to take a 4 mile bike ride yesterday but it doesn't look like it is going to clear up that much today. No worries there, I have most of what needs to be planted by now, planted plus some unexpected garden treats.

In the apartment building where my friend lives, there also lives a wonderful lady who is so very wise to the ways of nature. She grows coneflowers all about and I think I shall always remember her as "The Coneflower Lady". She let me have some coneflower heads so that I can start my own in my little flower bed. In return I am getting her some willow whips and willow sticks. This exchange felt so natural and good and just the way it should be.

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