Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dear Facebook Friends

Dear Facebook Friends,

This morning I saw a picture posted on my wall of a young woman disrespecting our military dead at Arlington National Cemetery. (No I am not going to share the link because I do not believe in attention for bad behavior.) After seeing this, my mind was reeling on so many different levels.

Just to set the records straight. I consider myself a bleeding heart liberal, always have, always will. I take great offense at people who use the excuse that they are liberals to cover up for rude, lewd, inappropriate and disrespectful behavior. Actually, I take offense at the use of any belief, political or otherwise, as an excuse for rude, lewd, inappropriate and disrespectful behavior.

I believe in respecting and caring about my fellow human beings. I believe that everyone has the right to live their lives in peace and voice their opinions RESPECTFULLY without fear of retaliation. This has nothing to do with religion or spirituality. This has everything to do with common decency towards those we share this planet with. I think there are simply too many, people out there who have either lost site of this concept or have never been taught this concept. To me it really is this simple.

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