Thursday, October 02, 2014

Where did the Summer Go?!?!?

Not sure where the summer went and here it it is already canning season!

Not make excuses but I did have a small computer catastrophe which was fixed post haste with a new computer. It has been a long time since I have had a new computer and I am not sure I like this new beast. I suppose I will get used to it and if truth be known, I am already sort of getting used to "it" and kind of starting to like it some.

Otherwise, most of the summer was spent hanging out in parks and making music I guess. It was so much fun! Then to end the summer, a quick trip up the North Shore of Minnesota was just what the doctor ordered.

In July Dusty Rockers (see one of my other blogs) hosted the first Potluck Music Jam 7 Mile Creek County Park. It was a blast, new friends were made and the food was wonderful. Everyone enjoyed themselves so much that we hosted an impromptu hot dog roast in August. Good times were had by all.

In September, the North Shore beckoned and we answered the call. Spent time rock hunting on the shores of Lake Superior, checked out Gooseberry Falls...

and saw Split Rock Lighthouse up close and personal for the first time ever. It was wonderfully refreshing and we have both resolved not to wait so long before we go again.

With that all said... on to canning and preserving the summer and fall harvest for the frigid winter here in the frozen north.

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