Friday, March 04, 2016

Getting Settled In!

Well, it's been a few months now since we actually moved out of Minnesota and settled in Colorado. There have been a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like more downs than ups but then I look out my bedroom window and see the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

That is when I remember why we fell in love with this place and why we decided to start a new life here. Even through the struggles, if feels right and good to be here and everything always seems to fall into place as long as we don't stop moving forward to some sort of goal.

Our most recent move from stasis has been to move our belongings from storage into our cozy apartment, making it even cozier. It doesn't look like we will be leaving this place anytime soon so the decision was made to save the money being spent on storage space for more important things, and there are plenty of them.

We did go through a lot of "stuff" before coming here but we still have more than we really know what to do with. Even so, when I start to mentally go through what we have and try to decide what to get rid of, there really is nothing either one of us would want to jettison from our lives right now. Besides, one of the goals we both have is to own our home. Whether it turns out to be a house, a condo or a townhome, it will be bigger than the nest we are currently living in making our treasures a non-issue.

One of the up sides to moving storage into our home is that the more familiar things we have around, the more it feels like home. Even the cats seem to be feeling more at home and recognize that the boxes are coming in the door rather than going out the door.

On that note, I am off to jockey some boxes already here in preparation for the weekend and bringing in more "stuff".

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